Classical Tunes with Stuart Farrance

Dear all,

I would like to invite you all to join us for an evening of Classics Tunes on Thursday 27 October with Stuart Farrance

Stuart has been a trusted and attentive Maitre D’ at Vatel for years . He is a man of many talents including being classically trained as a musician!

Previously Stuart has performed professionally as a pianist in many of Sydney’s venues such as the Intercontinental hotel, Opera house to name a few.

He will be playing hits from the 40’s onwards during this very special evening!

Booking via SMS to Philippe on 0419 636 304

Dinner will be served at 7.30 pm sharp.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

With Stuart Farrance

Thursday 27 October 2022

Buckwheat Galette

Seafood savoury crepe with mesclum leaves


Beef Vigneron

Slow cooked Black Angus in red wine with bacon and mushroom
Macaroni cheese and Grilled Fennel


Raspberry Souffle

Vanilla bean Ice cream

$75.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $6.00 per person


Regional Dinner: L’Auvergne


Thursday 19 May 2022



I will be hosting a regional dinner Thursday 19 May 2022

The region will be ” L’ Auvergne”

Please find below the menu for the evening.
Dinner will be served at 7.30pm sharp.

SMS Philippe on 0419 636 304

There will be a cooking demonstration as well as a presentation on the region!

* * * * *

Soupe Auvergnate
Ploughman soup with Gruyeres croutes
Braise de Boeuf, sauce Diable
Slow cooked beef, Paris mash, shallot and gherkins jus
Piquenchagne aux poires
Pear tart with vanilla cream
* * * * *

$70.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $5.50 per person

Vatel’s Take Away menu

Vatel Restaurant is now offering a Take Away menu.

This follows the NSW Government’s announcement on 23 March 2020,  for increased restrictions across the state to deal with the public health risk of COVID-19.

Visit our TAKEAWAY MENU page for items on the menu and for details of how to order, so that you can enjoy Vatel Restaurant meals at home.


Earth Hour Dinner

Saturday, 30 March 2019

Earth hour dinner






Vegetable Layers
With a salad of marinated feta, red wine reduction
Veal medaillions
Autumn greens, polenta crisps and sauvignon jus
Pear croustade
Berry coulis and vanilla cream
3 course meal – $60.00
BYO Wine only
Corkage – $4.50 per person
Book early to avoid disappointment.
Contact us by phone: (02) 9181 3961
or call Philippe direct on 0419 636 304
Or email:

Regional Dinner: Languedoc et Roussillon

Thursday 13 September 2018

Languedoc et Roussillon

I will be hosting a regional dinner Thursday 13 September. The region will be Languedoc et Roussillon.

Please find below the menu for the evening.
Dinner will be served at 7.30pm sharp.

Bookings are essential on (02) 9181 3961
or call Philippe direct on 0419 636 304

You can also book online at
Please provide a contact number for confirmation on the day.

There will be a cooking demonstration as well as a presentation on the region

* * * * *

Kirr Royale on arrival:
Sparkling wine and crème de cassis $8.00/glass

Salade de crevettes et calamars, sauce aioli
Prawn and squid salad, greens and garlic mayonnaise
Casserole of lamb, duck confit, pork and veal sausage, white beans
Crème Catalane
Aniseed flavoured crème brulée and almond croustillants
* * * * *

$50.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $4.50 per person

Regional Dinner: La Charente

Thursday 12 October 2017

La Charente

I will be hosting a regional dinner Thursday 12 October. The region will be La Charente.

Please find below the menu for the evening.
Dinner will be served at 7.30pm sharp.

Bookings are essential on (02) 9181 3961
or call Philippe direct on 0419 636 304

You can also book online at
Please provide a contact number for confirmation on the day.

There will be a cooking demonstration on the making of crème brulée.

* * * * *

Kirr Royale on arrival:
Sparkling wine and crème de cassis $7.50/glass

Mussels cooked with shallot, curry and white wine.
Choux farci à l’agneau, pomme boulangère
Lamb parcel served with oven baked potatoes and onion gratin.
Galette Charentaise
Candied fruit shortbread, raspberry ice cream.
* * * * *

$48.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $4.00 per person

Regional Dinner: La Provence et Roussillon

Wednesday 09 November 2016regional_Provence

I will be hosting a Regional dinner on La Provence et Roussillon.
There will be a cooking demonstration on the making of macaroons.

Dinner will be served at 7.30 pm sharp.
Bookings are essential.

Looking forward to see you all.

* * * * *

Soupe de crabe, rouille au saffran
Blue swimmer crab soup with saffron aioli
Roti d’agneau au fenouil et piments rouge, légumes Provençale
Roasted lamb rump with fennel and chilli seasoning, Provencale vegetables
Macarons aux amandes et abricot, sorbet framboise
Almond and apricot macaroons, raspberry sorbet

* * * * *

$48.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $4.00 per person

Book now to ensure your place at this event.