Tag Archives: set menu

New Year’s Eve at Vatel

Tuesday 31 December 2024


Dégustation Menu


Dear all

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and we are starting to get inquiries about that particular evening.

We will be offering two seatings on that particular night:

First seating from 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm and Second seating from 8.15 pm to end of night

Booking is essential via email at eat@vatelrestaurant.com.au or 91813961 or BEST text Philippe direct on 0419 636 304.

Please indicate which seating you would like to go for at the time of your booking

A text will be sent the day before for you to confirm your attendance

Looking forward to seeing you all on the night !

Please find below the menu for Sunday 31 December 2023.


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Duck Parfait
Pear and ginger chutney, preserves and crostini
Blue swimmer crab souffle
Seasonal leaves
Slow cooked Scotch fillet
Red wine and grain mustard jus, Paris mash
Passion fruit tart
Vanilla bean ice cream

* * * * *

$98.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $6.50 per person

Book now to ensure your place at this event.

For bookings:
Telephone (02) 9181 3961
SMS 0419 636 304
Email eat@vatelrestaurant.com.au

Please reserve your table early as we have been booked out for the past few years on this occasion.

Looking forward to see you all, and in the meantime Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year!

Christmas Party at Vatel


Wednesday 11 December 2024

Join us for our Annual Christmas Party at Vatel with Peter and Marie from Viva the Duo with Corinne Andrews!

viva the duo with corinne andrew

Looking forward to seeing you all and don’t forget, a Santa Hat is “de rigueur” for the night!

In 1889 the French Government inaugurated what would be one of the most recognized monuments in the World, The Eiffel Tower!

We will revisit this period of French history during our Christmas Party!

Arrival from 6.30.00/6.45 pm for 7.00 pm start.

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Set Menu

Nicois salad and lime dressing

Forest mushroom and cognac sauce, Paris mash
Chocolate and Hazelnut variation

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$85.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $6.50 per person

Book now to ensure your place at this event.

For bookings:

SMS Philipppe on 0419 636 304
Email eat@vatelrestaurant.com.au

Regional Dinner: La Provence et Roussillon

Wednesday 09 November 2016regional_Provence

I will be hosting a Regional dinner on La Provence et Roussillon.
There will be a cooking demonstration on the making of macaroons.

Dinner will be served at 7.30 pm sharp.
Bookings are essential.

Looking forward to see you all.

* * * * *

Soupe de crabe, rouille au saffran
Blue swimmer crab soup with saffron aioli
Roti d’agneau au fenouil et piments rouge, légumes Provençale
Roasted lamb rump with fennel and chilli seasoning, Provencale vegetables
Macarons aux amandes et abricot, sorbet framboise
Almond and apricot macaroons, raspberry sorbet

* * * * *

$48.00 per person
BYO wine only
Corkage $4.00 per person

Book now to ensure your place at this event.